
GOOD Friday.

Today was good Friday, and for a moment it didn't feel so..Good. Our pastor always does such a good job of making you feel like you're part of the events that he reads from the bible. You feel like you're there, watching. He described what happened to Jesus in such detail, that I never felt such sadness before when hearing about it. Our pastor described that the pain Jesus went through was excruciating. That the word didn't even exist before, and that It was made up to describe that pain one feels during crucifixion. He also said that Jesus was unrecognizable. That others who have gotten crucified, died before even getting to the cross. Jesus was torn to pieces, brutally beaten, tortured, made fun of, and abandoned. We sometimes forget how real these events were, and today I was reminded of that.. these weren't pg events, they weren't in any way appealing. But Christianity isn't always appealing either.  Today, in a way I felt like I lost a close friend. In every moment of happiness, I had a reminder in the back of my mind of how He suffered for me. I cant imagine how people felt actually having to physically been there. And the sad part is, so many people partook in, and supported such events. What's even more sad is that every time we sin, we partake in them too. 
Thankfully, the story doesn't end there.
We all know that without rain, theres no flowers...and without the story of the crucifixion theres no ressurection. It's important to think of Christs suffering, as unappealing and unpleasant as it is.  Because without it we wouldn't truly appreciate the beauty and joy of His ressurection. I'm so undescribably thankful that Jesus sacrificed Himself for me, He didn't HAVE to do it, and I don't deserve it in any way. But He died, so that I may live. I'm so thankful for the joy that having faith in Him brings. No one else in history went through such pain to sacrifice themselves for someone that wasn't even walking the earth yet, for sinners like you and me. I hope you can realize that today.  As sad as I got when thinking about these events, I also had extreme joy. Because Jesus didn't just die, three days later He rose from the dead and came to life. The day christ died for me, I didn't really lose a friend.. instead when He rose again I gained one. One who is loving, understanding, almighty, a miracle worker, and MY savior. I hope He is yours too.