
Good Morning

A time when its you, and your thoughts
 time when everything is still covered in peace
no worries, no rush, no negativity
just a clean slate and a knew canvas to work with
when you plan out how you shall conquer the world today
when you inspire yourself to be the best you can be
where nothing is in your way
when everything comes to life
when souls wake up
when new beginnings arise
such a precious time
such a special feeling
such a treasured event


What is the purpose of my life?
Why do I wake every day?
there has to be something
a drive that makes me live this way

What was I born on this earth for?
whose are the lives i'll affect?
if life is bigger than this
then what path should I select?

What are the roads I should drive on?
who are the ones I should meet?
If I'm living for others 
how much of me should I defeat?

Everyday my life is spared
I walk, I hear, I see, I speak 
blessed unimaginably
by the one whom my heart was made to seek 

Where are the lands I should travel to?
is there a place i should rest?
Or should i let myself wander
and put my strength to the test

What should I say to the ones that I meet?
How do help them get by?
How should I cope with the truth
that there are those far worse off than I