
Go live, He provides

Luke 12:24 "Consider the ravens:they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!"

I've been thinking a lot about how I want to live my life, and what I want to do with it. And I came to the conclusion that thinking about that isn't necessary. Sure in certain situations you must plan ahead, but I'm talking about life as a whole. I decided that I'm not going to worry about my future and just take life day by day. Throughout my whole life God has provided for me, He always shows me that He knows what's best for me, and everything I've been through has shaped me and made me grow. I don't know how, and it's not my doing, but God just always made trusting Him easy for me. I never really planned out my life because God has showed me over and over that He provides. He showed me this through school, college, jobs, a husband and so much more. I never had a doubt that if I put my trust in God that He will always lead me somewhere that will bring him glory but will also benefit me. Of course I had my ups and downs ..as I got older I had to make bigger decisions, and trust got harder..but God always reminded me that I had no need to try to do things on my own, because that's always a fail.
 This truth has literally made my life so easy, sometimes it blows my mind. So here's where I'm going with this...
The older I get the more I see how fast time flies, and we really don't have much time left on this earth. So while I'm here I want to give it my all, really use my abilities and talents, as well as take and embrace every opportunity that God puts in my way. I don't ever want to miss an opportunity just because its out of my comfort zone, or seems impossible. We all know that with God everything is possible. I choose not to hold on to things of this earth, specifically money.. as long as we balance it in a way that let's us get by and survive, I hope to never limit myself in seeing the world, or helping those in need. I would rather choose simplicity than luxury when it comes down to truly experiencing this huge world that God has made. I really learned to go for anything that will help me grow, help me truly love and enjoy life, and help me get closer to God. I dont want to settle for mediocre, i want to be the best I can be. Im so blessed to live in a time filled with opportunity, and peace, I hope to not take that for granted. Sure, life isn't as easy as I'm putting it out to be, we all face hard times and trials, but it really helps when you remind yourself that we are here temporarily, that God always provides, and that He will always lead you to where you need to be, and I say that from experience. I realize more and more that  we will all die someday, but I hope I leave this life having fully lived, fully giving it my all, fully experiencing God, and fullfilling my purpose. I live by the truth that God provides, and I really reccomend it to everyone. It makes life so much more easier, so if you haven't yet, I really suggest you give it a try.

Love, Viki

MATTHEW 6:31-32
"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?'or 'What shall we drink' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them."


21 years of living

Time is flying by so crazy fast, it felt like I'd be waiting eternity until I fly out to Florida for my birthday, and now the trip is just around the corner. Yesterday I was driving, and it only hit me then, that my birthday is this week and I didn't even pick up my free birthday gift at sephora! I honestly thought it was in like two weeks. But tomorrow I'll be another year older.
 I'm so thankful to God for such a blessed eventful year. So much happened this year that it's hard to even keep up, so many major changes. I got married, that's pretty huge. I Moved to a new state, met so many new amazing people, got a job I love, traveled, hiked, climbed some 14ers, learned how to cook somewhat, had red hair, and the list could go on and on. I honestly think that this was my year of growth and transformation. All these big changes in my life also changed who I am. I had no choice but to become more open minded, more social, more accepting to stepping out of my comfort zone. I've learned so much about myself, good and bad. Its been an amazing journey. I'm so thankful for the people in my life.
My parents literally got me through 21 years of my life, always supporting me, teaching me, showing me how to be the best I can be. I'm so thankful that they are the way that they are. Im so thankful for my siblings that I absolutely adore! They are my best friends, and I wish I could watch them grow up, but the distance makes me appreciate them so much more. Im blessed with the best family, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I'm extra thankful for my husband..he has to deal with my brokeness, the wild child inside me, and he still loves me no matter what, he's my best friend in life and I cant imagine my life without him, I'm so blessed with his family as well, they are so accepting and loving.  I'm grateful for all my new friends; that they accepted me, and are there for me. Angie, I wouldn't survive Denver without you, who else would go try out new places with me? I'm thankful for all my childhood friends, they also made me who I am, and I miss them all so much. (Thank you for always bringing out the adventurer in me)
God has blessed me so much in my life, and I don't understand why, but I live day by day with a thankful heart. Everything I've been through, only gets me closer to where I'm headed. I hope this 21st year of my life I can become an even better me. I'm excited for what's in store. Life is so grand and so precious and I plan to live every moment of it to the fullest, and even though I'm getting older..I forever refuse to grow up. #foreveryoung

                          Familia\Friends ⬇

Nanny love ⬇

Jamaican me crazy ⬇

14ers ⬇

Garden of the gods ⬇

                                       First married hikes ⬇

Red rocks concert ⬇

Chicago ⬇

Renaissance fair ⬇

                                                      Moab ⬇

Canada ⬇

Holidays ⬇

Portland ⬇

Thanks for reading, viki.


Celebrating our love

I had no expectations for valentines day. Andrey hates the holiday and I get why. The over priced flowers, overbooked restaraunts, the pressure to buy the perfect gift. It's all such a hassle and so pointless.

He told me.. "I'd be happy to do any of those things for you any other day"..and he does. I feel bad for guys on valentines day, the holiday is truly all about pleasing us needy women, and why? Because the world taught us to expect the greatest things from men on this specific day. This also gives guys an excuse on not having to do anything else for the rest of the year.
I also feel bad for people who are single, this day fills people with the need to have someone, so most single people spend the day upset and avoiding anything to do with love. ( if thats not the case for you and you are cool with being by yourself , props! that's how it should be.)
Valentiens day is such a silly concept when you think about it. Love should be celebrated year long, the love we have for our friends, and family, included. Valentines day is for the lazy ones.

Anyways, my husband decided that we won't celebrate valentines day. So we celebrated our love.

We had a perfect, but usual  sunday accompanied by good friends. We started the day with church, where I was once again reminded of Christ's love for me. And then went to fill our physical bodies with food.

 We then headed to downtown Denver to explore it's greatness, drink coffee, and enjoy the weather.


After our adventures we headed home, said goodbye to our friends and spent the rest of the night making our own homemade pizza, chocolate covered strawberris, and a failed attempt at cake pops. We stuffed ourselves while reminiscing on how thankful we are for each other, for how great our first year of marriage is going, and how blessed we are to have each other. To finish the night we cuddled while watching movies.

We did nothing out of the ordinary  that night, but it was the best date I've ever had. In the comfort of our home we were able to have an amazing stress free day. Celebrating love is fun, romantic, and special. Celebrating valentines day is a trend.

I'm thankful that Andrey doesn't like the idea of valentines day, i think we set good traditions for days like these. Its okay to do things differently, not like everyone else, and it's okay not to do anything at all. Because when you're in love.. the littlest things are special, and doing nothing at all with someone you love could turn out to be the best thing you've ever done.