
And He will fill that void.

The feeling of being alone is torturous and aching. Everyone, no matter who, tries to fill that gap of loneliness. Everyone desires to be loved or wanted in some possible way. People do outrageous things in order to fill that gap,but nothing works and nothing lasts. Only a portion of people in this world have felt the true feeling being loved, wanted, and needed. And no, it didn't come from a spouse, a friend, or even a parent. Only those who have come to know God, the heavenly Father have experienced the complete joy of truly being wanted, for no certain reason, other than the fact that we are just so loved. Its a feeling you never want to lose sight of, a feeling you want to experience for the rest of eternity. It is the answer to what everyone is missing in their lives. You could have everything; wealth, a family, friends, but if you don't have Gods love in your life, you will always end up being empty and dry; thirsty for something more. But the saddest part of all is that so many people that had experienced this true love and fulfillment, have lost it, and have a hard time getting it back. And the pain that comes after experiencing something so perfect and then losing sight of it seems almost unbearable. When we no longer feel the presence of our Father up above it is almost an unbearable feeling. Everyone has experienced loss in some way or form but nothing compares to the loss of being truly fulfilled and truly loved. Most people blame God for this loss, they start to question him, and question the lack of His presence. They start to believe that God left them, or abandoned them. But one question they don't ask is, why would such a loving God, one who chose to love you in the first place, no matter how undeserving of it you are, abandon something he loves so dearly and unconditionally. God doesn't abandon us, he never wants to leave us. In fact all He wants is a relationship with His children. And the only problem is, that his children have to want that relationship back. We as selfish and prideful people just expect everything to be given to us. But a relationship with God has to work both ways. The reason we ever feel abandoned by God is simple. We as people constantly have a battle between the love of sin and the love of God. But He is a jealous God, and he wants us to himself. So the stronger our relationship becomes with sin, the further we are from God. As we give in to what sin has to offer, we are the ones abandoning God. We tend to forget that God is blameless, the holy of hollies. And as much as he wants to be near to us, He could never go anywhere near sin. So he has no choice but to turn away from us. That's when so many people give up, and forever turn away from God. But God never gives up on us and that is why he gives us the key to winning back that connection with Him. That key is Christ, the son of God. Christ like God is completely blameless. And when we nailed him to the cross along with our sins he made our image before God seem blameless too. And as long as we carry all our sins to Christ and leave them at his feet, he will then wash us with his blood and make us clean again. Then, when we reach out to God, he no longer sees our sin. All he see's is us through Christ. And we again find that joy that comes with knowing the Father.
 So don't lose sight of Christ, lay out your sins before him. He will lead you to the truth, and as you seek him and thirst to be closer to him, God the father will come close to you, he will fill your void, and you will feel loved and complete for the rest of eternity.


They are without excuse

Romans Ch 1. verses 20,21


God is everywhere. Even if we tried, we could not in any way avoid it, or make it untrue. If we take a closer look, science itself, proves the very existence of God just by the study of creation. I mean if you really think about it, there is no way evolution could have created such intensely detailed and orchestrated beings. Every cell in our body, every cell in any living organism, is so extremely profound and amazing that there is just no way that some explosion could have created us. For even just the fact that we have feelings, and souls, and thoughts proves how much more unrealistic evolution seems. How could evolution create feelings, and how could evolution create thoughts. Why does the human race believe in miracles, or even the idea of fate..how could those be possible without some higher power? There HAS to be a God. And this bible verse states just that, "for since the creation of this world his invisible attributes are CLEARLY seen...and then it goes on to say .."so that they are without excuse."  So it pretty much means that all creation knows, and feels that God is alive; people just close their hearts to the fact and make themselves believe otherwise. In the end, no one will have an excuse, because deep down inside, everyone knows the truth, some just choose to run away from it. But life, isn't only about knowing that God is alive... anybody could make up their own idea of  God, this world has many versions of "god"... but hasn't it hit them that every other God in every other religion doesn't go by the name GOD... there's Buddha, and there's Zeus, and so many other ideas that people came up with, but its still not GOD. There is one God, and the bible is his powerful sword, and the people who have been pierced with that sword come across the power, of our one true GOD. And today, as I thought about God, my heart filled with a strong sense of shame. I realized that we as Christians tend to underestimate the power of our God, a God who could rid our existence with nothing but his breath. A God who is almighty, and omnipotent. We Christians don't treat Him with the reverence and fear that he deserves, we disobey him at every convenience and think that we could get away with it. We don't praise him or glorify him with all that we are..we treat kings and presidents with more respect, we try to look good and worthy before their eyes but why not before God? Why is it that other religions are so faithful to something that isn't even true and we Christians who know the truth cant even live one day without selfishly abandoning our God. And the worst part is, we underestimate the power of his love and his free gift that he has given us. Our prideful hearts don't realize how undeserving we are of this love that he fills our lives with every day. If only our minds and hearts could TRULY comprehend how extravagant this gift really is, we would no longer have the desire to live for ourselves anymore. Because why would this holy, and mighty God want anything to do with us; so selfish, and proud, such sinners. But by the blood of His Son, he proves to us how much we truly mean to him, and how much he wants to save us all. No other religion could offer something this great. In all honesty we take God, and everything he did for us for granted. We don't realize that without this gift our lives would mean nothing. So why do we tend to treat God this way, like he's nothing? Why don't treat Him like the mighty God that he is..I pray not to become like the people in the verse, one who knows God but doesn't glorify him, one who doesn't thank him for his never ending blessings and mercies. I want to live in a way where I am boastful of the God that I believe in, where I stand firm in his promises and his laws. Because we all know him, and we all know of him, but i don't want to do just that...I want to proclaim him, and live him..and I want to know him; as my God, and as my creator, as my father, but most of all as my savior.


I am a Maze Runner

I realize that slowly, the time is coming where we will soon live up to the revelations in the bible. But today as i was watching The Maze Runner it really..i mean REALLY hit me. Even the world itself is preparing itself to end. I mean pinterest already has a dedicated page due to emergencies in case of the apocalypse... and these are just the minor details of one major puzzle. So today, what got to me, was the fact that even movies..pretty much every movie in theaters today has hints and glimpses of peoples ideas on how the world will "end" or evolve, and that the time is coming. And then there's major movies like The Hunger Games or even Planet of the Apes, and Maze Runner: the movie I watched today and each have their own major portrayal of destruction and hope. The thing is, all these movies have the same idea... The world is facing chaos, disaster, and practically the end. Somehow (i really don't understand this) but there's always some sort of higher power that is still alive... and they pretty much control the "underdogs" which, in most cases turn out to be the heroes and good guys of the story. And most of the time, the heroes go under some sort of suffering, they always live in the worst circumstances, and always face the toughest trials. What I also noticed, is that in some way, they always have some sort of connection or relation to the higher power, they never seek to defeat it, but are more so regulated by it.  So with that, the weird person that i am, i always find some odd way to relate or take some sort of lesson from movies, even if that wasn't the purpose. But while watching the maze runner, I could almost see the portrayal of my very own life. And this is why.....So as a Christian,  I was put unto this earth by a higher power, God of course. And God put me on this earth with a genuine purpose; to pretty much save the dying world or to be the tool in his major plan. So in this life, I am faced with tests, and trials, and challenges. I fight against evil every day: and sometimes I get stung, but God always provides healing. All this makes me stronger, and shapes me and prepares me. Because in the end, just like in the movie, i am faced with the choice to either stay behind, do nothing, and fail my whole purpose. Or to lead the people of this world out of the maze of sin, and save them, or at least die trying. And when you put it this way, it becomes so clear, how much more meaningful our lives really are. I mean the people around us depend on us. We are responsible for human souls. And in a time like this, where the world is so close to an end; where there is chaos, and destruction, I hope to make it my purpose in life to take on this great responsibility to lead people to eternity.



Its astonishing how the fate of all humanity was dependand on something so simple as a tree. It might not seem eligible, but that tree was created by God as a tool. A tool to test the faithfulness of man. And how silly it might seem, that a tree..was the proof to God, that man could never live up to its purpose. One tree determined the chaos of our lives.

And it is so amazing that even though after humanity went through many years of failure before God, he didnt give up on us, and once again, humanity was dependand on yet another tree. The tree was used as a tool, a tool with such resemblance it could bring man to tears. That tree then, became the path to our salvation, the cross on which The Son of God shed his blood and wiped our sins. That tree was shaped into hope for man kind

Its almost unbelievable that something like a tree would be used by God himself. He took something thats would seem so small and used it to change our lives. And if God could usea tree, to Influence man, what makes us think that he cant use us...living beings, his children. We are Gods tools in his handiwork.. and like the trees that God used, we have a choice to either bring this world chaos or life. We always have a choice, we always had a choice. To eat the fruit or not? To surrender to the cross or perish? And we have a choice now, to be used by God for something good and great, or to lay around and be a stumbling block to the life around us.