
Glimpse from today.

I judged a book by its cover today
 theoretically speaking,
and to my shame, that book ended up being the highlight of my day.
We just have this nasty habit of labeling people just by the way they look.
Sure, they might not be nicely dressed,
they might not be clean,
but why should that matter?
When sometimes, people like that, have a more appealing soul
than those of us that have the advantage of cleaning up nicely.
I mean we all look the same when we wake up,
So what matters first, is whats inside of us
and how we make people feel by our presence: the vibe we give off.
It gets to the point where you don't even notice yourself doing it anymore
which is sad, and I want to change that.

I work in a small, local, furniture store: the only employee.
I meet so many different people , every single day.
And I realized that, even though i don't know these people,
and i might never see them again,
but they all made an impact on my life, negatively or positively.
I will always remember those who found interest in my life story
and those who shared back;
a compliment,
a smile,
a laugh,
someone can fill a small space in your heart just by a small gesture.
But I will also remember those who cared only for themselves.
Those people always ended up turning my day upside down and making my job more difficult.
I hope to never be remembered as one of those people.
I think if people just took a moment to listen,
and to really see what someone is about
even if it is for a mere moment,
then the world would be a happier place
with a lot more smiling people.
We all have a story, we all try to get by, we are all facing life.
Why not help each other out?
Why not let each other know: "I feel ya man, i'm living to, and its not always easy."
Lets work on how we treat others,
Lets learn not to make first impressions just from appearance.
People love to be listened to,
and you'll never know how someone is really like unless you listen.