
21 years of living

Time is flying by so crazy fast, it felt like I'd be waiting eternity until I fly out to Florida for my birthday, and now the trip is just around the corner. Yesterday I was driving, and it only hit me then, that my birthday is this week and I didn't even pick up my free birthday gift at sephora! I honestly thought it was in like two weeks. But tomorrow I'll be another year older.
 I'm so thankful to God for such a blessed eventful year. So much happened this year that it's hard to even keep up, so many major changes. I got married, that's pretty huge. I Moved to a new state, met so many new amazing people, got a job I love, traveled, hiked, climbed some 14ers, learned how to cook somewhat, had red hair, and the list could go on and on. I honestly think that this was my year of growth and transformation. All these big changes in my life also changed who I am. I had no choice but to become more open minded, more social, more accepting to stepping out of my comfort zone. I've learned so much about myself, good and bad. Its been an amazing journey. I'm so thankful for the people in my life.
My parents literally got me through 21 years of my life, always supporting me, teaching me, showing me how to be the best I can be. I'm so thankful that they are the way that they are. Im so thankful for my siblings that I absolutely adore! They are my best friends, and I wish I could watch them grow up, but the distance makes me appreciate them so much more. Im blessed with the best family, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I'm extra thankful for my husband..he has to deal with my brokeness, the wild child inside me, and he still loves me no matter what, he's my best friend in life and I cant imagine my life without him, I'm so blessed with his family as well, they are so accepting and loving.  I'm grateful for all my new friends; that they accepted me, and are there for me. Angie, I wouldn't survive Denver without you, who else would go try out new places with me? I'm thankful for all my childhood friends, they also made me who I am, and I miss them all so much. (Thank you for always bringing out the adventurer in me)
God has blessed me so much in my life, and I don't understand why, but I live day by day with a thankful heart. Everything I've been through, only gets me closer to where I'm headed. I hope this 21st year of my life I can become an even better me. I'm excited for what's in store. Life is so grand and so precious and I plan to live every moment of it to the fullest, and even though I'm getting older..I forever refuse to grow up. #foreveryoung

                          Familia\Friends ⬇

Nanny love ⬇

Jamaican me crazy ⬇

14ers ⬇

Garden of the gods ⬇

                                       First married hikes ⬇

Red rocks concert ⬇

Chicago ⬇

Renaissance fair ⬇

                                                      Moab ⬇

Canada ⬇

Holidays ⬇

Portland ⬇

Thanks for reading, viki.