

Your wedding day; something you put so much time and effort into only to watch it whiz by before your eyes in merely a few hours. Is it worth it? All the hard work.. I really don't know, for everyone its different, but as long as you end the day with the love of your life by our side, nothing else matters.

We got married May 9th this year, and it was the best day of my life. All of our closest friends and family came together to support us as we came before God and committed to each other for the rest of our lives. Getting married is such a beautiful thing, it's so bittersweet. In fact, the whole ceremony I was filled with so much emotion that I emberassingly stood there crying through the whole thing. Tears of joy, tears of sadness, (because I was leaving my family and moving away from my favorite people in the world,  except Andrey of course) but most of all I cried because I felt so blessed... God gave me the perfect husband, the perfect family, my whole life He blessed me, there were so many people who care by my side. I felt much support and love from God and everyone else that I just couldn't handle it.

Our ceremony was short and sweet, and our reception was personal and heartwarming. I really didn't care how everything looked, my main focus wasn't how I looked, all I cared about was that the people closest to me were by my side, sharing memories, and having  good time. All I wanted was for our wedding to be personal and memorable.

Not everything went perfectly, but I don't remember those imperfections, not everyone might have been pleased, but, you can't make everyone happy, I was happy.

See, these days it feels like weddings are competitions, my best friend got married like  month after and I was so blessed and happy to be a part of it, but there were people comparing our weddings, which Is so sad, we are both different,sad and have different lifestyles. And it really showed me that when it comes to weddings people focus on the wrong things.  People focus on the decorations, on the food, on how the bride looks, on how everything was planned out, and completely ignore the main reason of he wedding day; to support and bless the couple. Wedding days became all about who did it better, who had more of a pinterest wedding... which ruins the whole thing.

 So I didn't care, how everything looked or what people said about it after, I'm sure they weren't all good things, but that isn't what matters, I'm happily married and my wedding day is just a day in the past, something that I'll never forget, because to me, everything went perfectly.

I hope that every bride only remembers the positives of the day, and to anyone who will get married in the future, I hope you focus on what's right and put aside the opinion of others. I hope you soak up every moment, because the day FLIES by before your eyes. Take the time to enjoy being with your new husband, and to show appreciation to your family and guests. Remember to appreciate everyone who put time and work into making the day special. And remember to just enjoy, no matter what happens, stay positive. It is your day and you decide how it will turn out, the outcome will all be in the mindset. Sure, everyone gets stressed out and nervous, that's just part of the process, enjoy those moments as well. No matter what, this will be the happiest day of your life, because like I said earlier, all that matters is that you finally get to marry your best friend.