
Forgotten Unfinished Lyrics

[ lyrics written by 15 year old me and music made up by Sveta Romanyuk, we sang this song everytime we were together, but we kept forgetting or losing the chords for almost every song we wrote so we lost sight in our "music industry" ]

It seems as if we're living in a fog
and every day as we get up
 trouble showers us like rain

but i know of a better way 
so let me say
shine your light, shine it bright
and with every passing day 
let us press on towards the sky
and with our hearts on fire
we will show people the way

But then sometimes our life journey seems so long
sometimes staying on the straight path 
is the hardest thing to do

as you go just keep your eyes set on the goal
because soon we'll be together
on the streets all filled with gold


so this is the better way
so sing with me 
shine your light, shine it bright
and with every passing day 
let us press on towards the sky
and with our hearts on fire
we will show people the way


I go through each day
I read and I pray
but its hard to be like Jesus
in all of my ways
cause I'm not a perfect person
i make many mistakes

its the choices you make
that make life this way
but i say just chose Jesus
and nothing else will matter
cause he mends every heart
that's every been shattered

so what do I do
to pull myself through
there's so many distractions
preventing me from you
still I want to be an example
of the living truth

let go of what's holding you back
find Jesus don't look at the past
you'll get there i promise you that
find Jesus and he'll rid the weight off your back
he'll rid you of sorrow and pain
just look and he'll show you the way

(15 years old)


When your friends have left your side
and you have no one else to cry to
you just look up at the sky
and be happy cause ill always
be there beside you


my child ill always be your friend
from the beginning, the middle to the end
ill be your shoulder to cry on
and ill chase away your fears
you'll never be alone

When your worn out and your tired
and you don't know who to run to
ill just send you a little smile
you'll know that no one can love you
like i do

when you have something to share
but there's no one who will listen
and it seems like life aint fair
keep in mind what I told you
let your spirits be risen


even through the toughest storm
you just call out to me
say Jesus I need you
and you'll hear me
just listen for my quiet whisper