
How we met.

My parents got invited to a wedding in Denver, its was a chance for my mom to see some of the family she hadnt seen in years but there were factors that were preventing us from going. So for two days we were deciding whether to go or not, and we were leaning towards not going, but then last minute my dad got us into the car and we started driving. And boy am i glad we went because we were a decision a way from me not meeting my soul mate.

It was a fun road trip, just me, my mom, and my dad. Throughout the trip my mom kept teasing me that I could find a boy for myself at the wedding, which made me mad. I was in a good place, I didnt need boys in my life, I was dating myself.

Not focusing on boys made the trip exactly what I wanted; I got to spend time with my parents, I got to meet some of my family that I didn't even know existed, I got to enjoy the wedding, and I had a fun time exploring Denver. Little did I know, moms words have magic or something, but throughout my whole trip Andrey ended up being somewhere in the picture.

All the girls thought he was super cute and amazing, but I didn't care, I let them think that. (He looks so much better now BTW, back then he was super scrawny, like a toothpick.) He was the one that got to drive us around the town, me and him had some small talk, but nothing that indicated that someday we would get married. I was focused on family, and he was busy entertaining guests since it was his sisters wedding.

The wedding was a success and so was the trip, we had a long drive home because of traffic, but I got busy adding all the new people I met on Facebook and instagram. To my surprise I received a message from Andrey right away, he was apologizing for being a bad host and not saying good bye to me when I left. That made me laugh because I didn't really care for his goodbye, it's not like we had a connection or anything. So after some small talk we said our goodbyes and I wasn't really planning on having any more conversations with him after that.

About a week or so later I noticed that Andrey was on my Facebook, because he was liking my pictures,  more than one. So of course like all girls, over thinking the situation, I figured he was trying to get my attention. (Which I then learned he had no intention of) But my over thinking got us talking, I wrote him and from there we ended up talking all day, and a day turned into week, and then he asked for my number, and then I added him on snapchat. We took things slow, he had to ask for my number more than once and I didn't send him my face on snapchat for weeks. But then things got to the point where it was pretty clear we were into each other and he told me he wanted to see where our relationship could go.

So we started dating but we didn't get a chance to meet in person until a few months later, so we had to compromise and date through Skype. This really helped us get to know each other because the only thing we could do was talk, and sometimes eat ice cream.

But a few weeks later he surprised me with a visit and we finally saw each other in person. It was pretty stressful and chaotic but it got us to where we are now, so you could probably say things went well from there. We would take turns visiting each other at least once a month and after a year of dating we got engaged. Our engagement was a year long and this May we celebrated the best day of our lives and committed to each other for the rest of our days.

I guess I have my mom to thank for us meeting, because like I said, moms words are magic, and during our Denver trip she noticed Andrey right away. As she pointed him out to me, maybe it was God speaking through her, but I believe at that moment  she jinxed us into falling in love with each other even though we didn't know it yet.
Oh and I guess his sister Inna and my cousin Dima because we met at their wedding.

The end.

I hope you enjoyed our random silly story, just a broad description of how we ended up together.  Next I will be writing about our experience with long distance, so stay tuned.