
Long distance

There were many people that didn't think we would make It this far, not because we weren't compatible, but because we lived 17 hours away from each other. But looking back now I am so thankful that we got to experience a long distance relationship. It wasn't easy, in fact it took a lot of work, but it came with many benefits.

We might have not had the typical dating experience that most couples had, but for me it was perfect and extra special. Even though we didn't go on many dates and to many places, we got to spend lots of time together through Skype (thank goodness for technology) which sounds lame, but it was something I looked forward to everyday. We would drink tea together, watch movies together, stay up late every night talking, laughing, or just doing our own thing. All that mattered was that we spent time with each other, and it didn't matter how. Through skype we would read the bible and pray together, we had many discussions, and shared lots of stories about ourselves. Through this, our communication skills became extra strong. We got to know each other on a different, more personal level, because when you can't really do activities together and all you have is communication, you get the chance to share so much more of yourself through words.

There were nights where we would stay up so late that we both ended up falling asleep, only to find each other still sleeping with Skype on the next day. During the day we kept up with each other using snapchat or phone calls on our way to work. We sent each other little gifts, sometimes letters or poems,  he even bought me pizza once in a while and had it delivered to my work.

In the beginning of the relationship we saw each other at least once a month, sometimes twice, which we felt really lucky about. Andrey worked at the airport and got great benefits. That made flying cheaper and much more efficient. I still remember waiting for the day when we would finally see each other once again. There would be so many emotions at once; excitement, nervousness, sometimes stress, but most of all a relief that we would finally be spending time with each other once
more.  Each visit we grew closer and closer to each other and wanted to be with each other so much more.

 Good byes were the worst, so painful. There were tears, and the few days after were gloomy and depressing. All we could do was get busy with our lives in order to not think about it.  But we would soon plan our next trip and have something to look forward to for the next month.

The whole relationship we felt Gods hand guiding us and leading us. He blessed us so so much. There were times where visits were at the verge of not working out, but He always found a way to make things happen. We got the privilege to spend every holiday and almost every birthday together. He helped us grow together, He helped us resolve rough patches, and He taught us and prepared us for our future together, without God this wouldn't have been possible.

After a year of dating adventures Andrey proposed and we started planning for the wedding. Our engagement was a year long which made the planning process a piece of cake. But it felt like forever; we were so eager to be with other and were running out of patience.  We got to see each other way less, sometimes once every three months, which wasn't easy, but it made our wedding day so much
more exciting. We took marriage courses with my pastor using three way skype, and through that we were preparing for our marriage. I really recommend courses to all engaged couples because they really do make an influence in the future.

Our relationship was no where near perfect, we had downfalls. Long distance took a lot of trust and patience. But what was important was that we always kept fighting and moving forward. With every downfall we got stronger and wiser and more in love. I just want to encourage anyone in a serious relationship to always get back up. If you start to doubt, focus on everything that's great about you guys, and always pray for reassurance. Make sure that God is at the center of it, find time to pray together. Our relationship wouldn't be possible without God. Remember that God is the source of love so when you turn to Him you will find so many more ways to love each other. In the end, it's all worth it, all the waiting, it's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything.

Most of all, cherish every moment, marriage is nothing like dating, they are both amazing and both  special. I love remembering all the adventures we shared, all the feelings we felt, the anticipation. A
healthy dating process leads to a healthy marriage.

And if you're not in a relationship yet, it will come, just trust. The Lord always has our best interest, He always knows what's right for us. Your fairy tale will come. You don't even have to look too hard because you might be looking in the wrong places. Andrey showed up in my life when I least needed a boyfriend, and everything turned out blessedly. I always tell people that when your relationship with God is strong and pure, when nothing can take Gods place in your life, that's when He knows you're ready for someone to share that love with.

I'm not an expert, and I know every relationship is different, but I'm always happy to share the life changing experiences I've had with others, my hope is that someday it will help someone. This post is just my dating experience in a nut shell, it consisted of so many more details, so many more lessons learned, and I'd be happy to share them with anyone who cares. If you ever have any questions or just want to talk, don't be shy to hit me up, I'm always happy to listen and share.

Thanks for reading.