
Seasons of our lives

Seasons of our lives

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."

Our lives, just like the earth, consist of seasons. Four phases that change and mold us into something new.  A repetitive pattern that goes on until our days are fully lived. A beautiful process constructed by God, that helps us live a life that He desires.

 As the earth changes, so do we. In the spring, as the world starts blooming with new life, we are given the chance to bloom as well. As everyone cleans up to prepare for sunny days, we should likewise clean up our hearts. Its the perfect season to start fresh, to remind ourselves that we are also given new life, a chance to ressurect from the old to the new. As Christs resseruction is celebrated, so is our gift of a second chance in Him.

 As the sun gets closer and the day gets warmer, summer approaches us with new opportunities, a sudden burst of energy, and a desire to serve. Lives busiest, brightest, season fills us with a drive to do as much as we can to change the world. There is a strong pull towards the outdoors and no time is wasted inside. As we soak up the sun every opportunity we get, we also soak up Gods love and use it to give back to the everyone around us. Missionary trips, camps, community events keep people busy with a focus on the one one true source of light. There is bonding through outdoor activities and smiles on people's faces as they fulfill the purpose God had planned for them. Seeds that were planted begin to sprout and fill our lives with fulfillment. Goals that were set are reached and dreams are chased after.

The earth stays warm for a few months after, but as the days get shorter, everything  starts to cool off and slow down. Everything changes color and there is a sudden calm in the wind. As the earth let's go of it's old in order to bring in the new, we should do the same.  Its the perfect time to evaluate our hearts and rid of our bad habits, so that new, better ones, could take place. We now reap what we sowed in the summer, and see what we must put more time into. The calm of autumn is the perfect time to fill our minds with knowledge of Christ  and what He expects of us. We should reevaluate who we are and strive to be better, to know Him and ourselves more.

As the earth grows even colder and the snow falls we can then, in the comfort of our warm homes, start to make plans and goals for the new year. As many animals go in their dens to hibernate, we are given a chance to rest as well. During this resting period we are given the opportunity to become more intimate with our father.  We have even more time to get to know Him, and make plans of how else to serve Him when the winter passes. The white snow reminds us to cleanse ourselves and be just as pure and white. We then celebrate the upbringing of a new year, a fresh cycle of seasons and remind ourselves that we were created for a purpose.

How beautiful the seasons of our lives are, so different but directed toward one purpose; to set our eyes on the Creator, who has a new season prepared for all His children. The best season of all. One where we could be with Him forever.
May the seasons we have now, help prepare us for the best one yet to come, one where Everything will change for the better, one where we will exist in perfection for eternity.