
What IS truth?

The bible teaches us how to live. It teaches us what God wants from us and what he has done for us. So many people read it and so many people live by it. So how does it happen that we all read the same book of truth but still all have so many different views, and lifestyles, and beliefs. How come the people of the church have so many disagreements and differences when it comes to Gods truth. Aside from the bible, In the new testament we were given the gift of the holy spirit, to guide us and to show us what is right and wrong. So why is it that every individual has their own idea of right and wrong. Is it because we try to bend the rules in our own favor and try to convince ourselves that we aren't? Or is it because we each have our very own depiction of the truth?  Why is it that certain things are considered to be sin to some people, but to others it wouldn't even cross their minds as sin.
In this life we truly might never find out why it is like that, but God, does show us how to deal with these questions in a christian manner. Me and Andrey were discussing a disagreement we came across in our lives. We had extremely opposite views and stood strong in what we believed to be right. But how could both of us, with such opposing views be right? We were both raised in different homes with different lifestyles. We both believe in one God, and we both love Christ. But how could we so strongly disagree on some matters.
The thing is we both look at life differently, and we both interpret the bible differently. But we came up with a few conclusions. We realized sin becomes evident in  our lives when we have knowledge about it. I brought up the analogy of a child. As they grow there might come times when they lie, or steal, get angry, or disobedient. As grown ups we know these things to be sinful, and we know how God feels about them, and we know that we shouldn't do them. But a little child has no awareness that in those few moments he is considered to be sinning, and since he has no knowledge about it, he is therefore blameless. So we are sinning when we have knowledge about it being sin. If one has no knowledge that what he is doing is sin, then he cant be judged for it. We could say the same about those who turn to Christ without having any past knowledge about his teachings. He is almost as a new born, what God desires is all new to him and requires learning. This is not an excuse though, we cant run from Gods word just to say that we have no idea that the things we do in our life are sinful. In fact, if we are true Christians we should have the desire to instead, run to his word, we should have the desire to no longer sin, and to learn about what God wants from us. We talked about Paul, where he touched on the subject in Corinthians, Paul said that if me eating meat causes my brother to stumble, "then I will never eat meat again so that i will not cause them to fall." Even Paul realized how different everyone's walk with God is and he teaches us to respect that. So me and Andrey had to learn to respect each other.
 We ended the discussion with the agreement that God will be the judge. Its not up to us to decide who is more sinful than us, its not up to us to decide how others should live. As long as we are dedicated to living like with Christ, with a clear conscience we will no longer be lost.
Christ leads us to the truth, he whispers into our hearts and shows us how to live, all it takes is to listen. When we read the bible, it will only make sense if we read it with Christ in our hearts. It doesn't matter what lifestyle you have, what matters is the relationship you have with Christ. If it is strong, then He will show us how to be strong. I don't believe in religion, God will justify all of us. I believe in Christ, my relationship with him. Christ is the answer to all questions, he is the conclusion to all life. He is our future, and he is the saving grace that gives us hope and forgiveness no matter how sinful we are.