

Its astonishing how the fate of all humanity was dependand on something so simple as a tree. It might not seem eligible, but that tree was created by God as a tool. A tool to test the faithfulness of man. And how silly it might seem, that a tree..was the proof to God, that man could never live up to its purpose. One tree determined the chaos of our lives.

And it is so amazing that even though after humanity went through many years of failure before God, he didnt give up on us, and once again, humanity was dependand on yet another tree. The tree was used as a tool, a tool with such resemblance it could bring man to tears. That tree then, became the path to our salvation, the cross on which The Son of God shed his blood and wiped our sins. That tree was shaped into hope for man kind

Its almost unbelievable that something like a tree would be used by God himself. He took something thats would seem so small and used it to change our lives. And if God could usea tree, to Influence man, what makes us think that he cant use us...living beings, his children. We are Gods tools in his handiwork.. and like the trees that God used, we have a choice to either bring this world chaos or life. We always have a choice, we always had a choice. To eat the fruit or not? To surrender to the cross or perish? And we have a choice now, to be used by God for something good and great, or to lay around and be a stumbling block to the life around us.