
I am a Maze Runner

I realize that slowly, the time is coming where we will soon live up to the revelations in the bible. But today as i was watching The Maze Runner it really..i mean REALLY hit me. Even the world itself is preparing itself to end. I mean pinterest already has a dedicated page due to emergencies in case of the apocalypse... and these are just the minor details of one major puzzle. So today, what got to me, was the fact that even movies..pretty much every movie in theaters today has hints and glimpses of peoples ideas on how the world will "end" or evolve, and that the time is coming. And then there's major movies like The Hunger Games or even Planet of the Apes, and Maze Runner: the movie I watched today and each have their own major portrayal of destruction and hope. The thing is, all these movies have the same idea... The world is facing chaos, disaster, and practically the end. Somehow (i really don't understand this) but there's always some sort of higher power that is still alive... and they pretty much control the "underdogs" which, in most cases turn out to be the heroes and good guys of the story. And most of the time, the heroes go under some sort of suffering, they always live in the worst circumstances, and always face the toughest trials. What I also noticed, is that in some way, they always have some sort of connection or relation to the higher power, they never seek to defeat it, but are more so regulated by it.  So with that, the weird person that i am, i always find some odd way to relate or take some sort of lesson from movies, even if that wasn't the purpose. But while watching the maze runner, I could almost see the portrayal of my very own life. And this is why.....So as a Christian,  I was put unto this earth by a higher power, God of course. And God put me on this earth with a genuine purpose; to pretty much save the dying world or to be the tool in his major plan. So in this life, I am faced with tests, and trials, and challenges. I fight against evil every day: and sometimes I get stung, but God always provides healing. All this makes me stronger, and shapes me and prepares me. Because in the end, just like in the movie, i am faced with the choice to either stay behind, do nothing, and fail my whole purpose. Or to lead the people of this world out of the maze of sin, and save them, or at least die trying. And when you put it this way, it becomes so clear, how much more meaningful our lives really are. I mean the people around us depend on us. We are responsible for human souls. And in a time like this, where the world is so close to an end; where there is chaos, and destruction, I hope to make it my purpose in life to take on this great responsibility to lead people to eternity.