
To lay down your life for HIm

I was reading the story about the Passover supper. A lot of us have heard this passage many times, but something, in particular, stood out to me today. It's something we hear very often, but don't always put into practice.

At the end of John chapter 13, during the dinner, Jesus reveals who will deny Him and that He is going away, somewhere where no one could follow(v36)... and one of His disciples, Peter, being so dedicated to his Teacher responded, "Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for your sake." And "Jesus answered him, "WILL you lay down your life for My sake?"

Later we read that Peter denied Jesus three times...

A lot of us might get frustrated from this story, but aren't we all just like Peter? Don't we deny Christ on the daily? To lay down your life for Christ doesn't always mean to physically die. To lay down your life, is to constantly, unreservedly, put your life aside. To die to your desires, your needs, and wants.  In all that we do, Christ must be first. To lay down your life for Him means to put YOURSELF last. This society teaches us that we must put ourselves first, that we should focus on whats best for US. But Christ tells us the opposite. Christ put Himself last, He didn't have to. He lowered Himself to wash His disciple's feet, and then later He died for them, for us. With this example, he told us, "If I then, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet."(v14) So how do we lay down our life for Him? By doing just as He did, laying down our life for others. Everyone around you; the people you don't like, the people you don't know, now must come before you. You must serve them, and love them, and be willing to put your life aside for them. Christ died for His haters, for those who didn't know Him or love Him. Christ died for you and me.  Are you willing to do the same? I know that I struggle with this. Sometimes it takes extra effort or stepping out of my comfort zone to serve others. Sometimes my ego gets in the way. But I'm so thankful for Christ, and that He died for me, at no price. The best way to thank Him, and to repay Him is by serving others, at no price. So during this week of Easter, let's try extra hard to put ourselves last and put others first, just like He did for us. It doesn't necessarily mean washing someone's feet, cause people don't do that nowadays. But It could take one small action; like a helpful hand, or a friendly smile, a conversation, listening to what someone has to say. It could mean getting off the couch to get your husband that soda he wants. It could mean inviting someone to church OR by literally saving someone's life and sharing what Christ did for them. Let's not deny Him, by denying our love to everyone that comes our way. WILL you lay down your life for Him, by laying down your life for others?