
The adventurous heart

Why do we, humans, feel the need to limit ourselves to the possibilities we could have, the dreams we could achieve, and the adventures we place in our lives. Who decides that enough is enough? Our money? Society? The people around us?
The only one who can put a limit on us is ourselves.
And if that is so, then why is it that phrases like, "I wish" or "in my dreams" come out of our mouths so often?
Why don't we replace these words with "Why not" and "Ill try" and "show me how."
Instead of pursuing what we want to achieve, we shut the door to those things by telling ourselves every reason why it wouldn't be possible. When instead, it's the opposite; anything is possible if we open the door and actually walk inside. If we remind ourselves that in fact it is possible, this statement will then not only be a set of words but will also surely become fact. And this applies to almost anything in life; education, careers, passions, and dreams. We limit ourselves to our capabilities, and we only let ourselves explore the dimensions that our mind built walls around. We make things seem so much more difficult then they really are. When in fact, as a Christian nothing should ever seem impossible. How could we ever doubt in ourselves with such a mighty God by our side. A big problem with us Christians is that we tend to believe that our adventures, and our lives need to revolve around the church, and the church only. And don't get me wrong, church is one of the most important aspects of a Christians life, but I mean if your heart yearns to travel, why shouldn't you? If your passion is the outdoors then get out there, if your passion is art then get on it, if your passion is travel then go buy that plane ticket. I don't think God would get angry with us if we did. In all certainty i truly believe that God much more prefers us to be out there, out of our comfort zone, than stuck between the walls of a building. In reality the church is more the people of the body of Christ, not as much as a place to gather, so why do we only serve God in one place. What drives and excites me the most is the fact that we could serve God anywhere, and there are so many different ways to serve him as well, even by going on adventures. The even cooler thing is that, if we do achieve the things we strive for and if we do go on the adventures we desired to, It could be a service in itself. If we give the glory to God, if we make it known that only through him everything is possible it is a testimony in itself. So many people from the bible, even Jesus himself traveled far distances, across cities, and through it all they served the father. It made me wonder about all the sights they got to see, how Gods creation looked liked back then, it makes me want to see it all through their eyes. But God gave me life now, and he gave me eyes, he gave them to all of us, so why don't we use them to our full potential and go see the world, finish that painting, climb that mountain, and get to the finish line. Everyone has the ability to achieve their dreams, all of us were made to seek deeper and bigger things in life. Life with God is an adventure in itself. And those who think adventure is out of the picture for them, those who think its not for them, I believe otherwise. In all of us there is an adventurer waiting to be born, waiting to experience how it feels to see the bigger part of life and not just sit around and wait for it to be buried up in doubt again.Adventure doesn't have to mean climbing the biggest mountain in the world or beating a world record. Adventure is chasing your dreams and catching them, adventure is living your live to its full potential. Adventure is for everyone and everyone has their own definition of it. And to take the time to find out what your adventure is, is a gift you are giving to yourself.