
Gods mercy is so much more
so much more than i deserve
it can fill the ocean floor
so why don't i serve
why don't i praise
why don't i seek His face
Hes the only thing that matters
the only reason I'm alive
and even when everything shatters
He holds me with His grace

Why does He love me
why does He care
i cant bring him nothing
i come with empty hands
and He still thinks I'm something
He loves me either way
there's not enough words in the world to say
all the things that fill my heart
when He takes my life
all dull and grey
and brings me brighter days

Even when I'm not faithful
when I'm ungrateful
He looks down on me
and sees a captive who just wants to be free
He doesn't just leave me be
He rescues me
and that's when i realize
that He'll love me no matter who ill be
as long as i come down before Him
on my knees
and surrender openly

When i let go of everything
and give Him control
the leading role
that's when my heart comes clean
and gets filled with the joy that only He can bring
no other worldly thing
can fill that hole in my heart
Hes the only one who puts me back together
when i fall apart

And i hope that someday
you can find Him too
i hope you can realize that His love is true
its the only thing that matters
his deep deep love for YOU
i hope someday
you can feel the joy
the joy that he brings
when your under his wings
just surrender
that's all you have to do
come closer to Him and He'll come closer to you