
Coffee dates with Him

This new year my most favorite time of the day has become coffee time. Not just because coffee is the most amazing beverage ever, it makes me happy, and I can't live without it. But because I get to drink my coffee with someone who makes me even happier, and someone that I literally couldn't live without; my Heavenly Father. It's become quite the ritual, and if there's ever a day where I don't share my coffee time with Him, I'm empty inside. Ive been reading the book of Matthew and God has opened Himself up to me in so many new ways. He reminds me of so many truths that I tend to forget; He reminds me of His love, but also His greatness. I am really getting to know Him on a deeper level.

I have finished the bible front to back at least once in my life, and the New Testament at least three times, and with every time I learn more and more. This year I have decided to reread the New Testament once more,  just to freshen up, but also to replenish my relationship with Jesus. (which has gotten so rusty, my fault completely) And because I dedicated a specific time in my day to sit back in peace and quiet, with my coffee; I have a desire stronger than ever to spend even more time with Him.

Now since it's the beginning of the year, and many people try their hardest to get back on track with their reading (just like me) I wanted to share with you the simple steps I take to making it an enjoyable thing. Nothing should be better than spending time with God.
I want to remind everyone that reading the bible doesn't have to be something you just check off your list, something you're obligated to do, ( because I've met so many people that feel this way, and I have been there myself)
But It should be something we desire, something we can't go a day without, something we should fall in LOVE with doing.

Now I'm not saying this will work for everybody, we are all different, but even if it doesn't I know with Gods help anyone can find a way that works for them.

So this is what has helped me fall in love with reading the bible.

-First of all I set a plan. If you have no direction or goal, giving up will be easy. If you challenge yourself and have something driving you, it will be easier to persevere. It could be anything; I'm doing a chapter a day until I finish the New Testament. I once did a chapter of the Old Testament in the morning and a chapter of the new at night. You could pick a book you like or have never read and could do half a chapter until you finish it. Many churches pass out reading plans; which are amazing and so helpful. Setting a finish line, and then crossing it, is always rewarding and good motivation.

-Next I plan out a specific time in my day where I plan to do this every day. So make sure it's a time that works. Calculate how much time it will take you and then plan everything else in your day around that. God is number one priority. Also make sure it's not a time where you are rushed, give yourself enough time where you can fully dwell in the moment and take as much time as you need.  For me it's pretty easy; I'm a nanny so all I have to do is give the kids their breakfast, give them their homework for the day, or a cartoon, and they don't bother me for at least half an hour. A lot of people dedicate the early morning before they do anything else in the day, others do it before they go to sleep, but this is what works best for me. And I think God would be happy to spend time with you any time of the day.

-Going along with the last step, I noticed that if I include a snack (breakfast) and some coffee or tea during the process I find it more anticipating and enjoyable. So doing this during a break at work, or when you drink your daily beverages (tea/coffee/juice w.e.) will help your senses remind you that it's time to sit down with God. Whether it's a late night tea cup, or an early morning cup of coffee, anytime that works for you is a good time.

-Next I make sure I'm in a quiet place and all distractions are out of the way. I put my phone on silent, and put it on charge. (multitasking here) No music, no noise, no people. Just me and God. Studying with others is great, but a one on one with your Father is essential.

-Then I prepare my essentials. Of course that includes a bible. I read it in English because that's what I have been doing since I was twelve and that's the language that speaks closer to me. I've read it in Russian before, and I enjoyed it, but I get a deeper experience and I am more knowledgable with the English bible. I have been reading the New King James Version for years now, and I don't think I will ever turn to anything else.
Alongside my bible I have my two journals and a pen. (I will go into detail on that in a little bit.

- Before I start reading I sit in silence and I talk to God. I like to sit by the window so I could look outside and tell God everything I need, I evaluate my life and relationship with Him, and then ask
Him to speak back to me through His word. God will always answer you if you just ask.

-Finally I get to reading. I start with reading the chapter beginning to end, getting the big picture of what it's trying to say. Then I go back verse by verse and in my big journal I rewrite each verse in my own words.
 As I do that I also put a heart by the verses that stood out to me, and question marks by what I was confused on. I then write out those in my smaller everyday journal.
 The black one is specifically for rewording chapters,
and the white one I categorized into many things;
 I wrote my goals in there, my prayers, as well as verses to live by( that's where I write the verses with the hearts next to them)
and bible questions (where I write down the questions I have from my reading.)

Then I look back at what I learned and in my black journal write down the main points of the verse.

-Lastly, it's always nice to share what you read. A friend, a husband, a church group, siblings. Share it with your co workers, or even Facebook, there's no bad option. I also like to find answers to the questions a have by discussing them with my dad, or husband, or whoever I might trust to direct me.   Talking about it stimulates your brain into remembering what you read even better.

As you can probably tell by reading this, I'm a complicated person, I planned out every detail. But that's what helps me go deep into my reading and really focus on what I'm reading about. I encourage you to find a way that will help you do the same, whatever works for you; Ask God for direction. We've all struggled with staying on track, I still have to put in some effort into reading everyday. But then I remember how much impact it has on my life, and It becomes the best part of the day. You won't fall in love with reading if you don't start. So let's do this, let's make the year of 2016 the year of crossing our finish lines; finishing that one testament, or the whole bible. It's totally possible and totally worth it.