
Beautiful Nonsense

sometimes all it takes is to just get away
to be alone
drink some good coffee
listen to music
and your mind erupts
and your soul is overtaken with passion
that is when your heart creates the words you have been searching for this whole time

sometimes all it takes is just to look around
see the people around you, what they are capable of
people are beautiful
life is beautiful
embrace it, cherish it, live it
be alive
and not only for yourself but for others as well
help others have a pleasant visit on earth just by your presence

irradiate love, joy, passion, peace
be sympathetic, live for others

forget yourself, and only then will you find yourself

sometimes all it takes is time
time away from technology
time to embrace creation
to embrace all that surrounds you

open your eyes child
life is so much more

don't be afraid to let people in
let them peek inside your heart and soul
and let them be inspired

its okay to feel
its okay to fall
just make sure you get back up

be truthful
be honest;
with yourself, with others

don't miss your chance to let people know how you feel

tell people they are beautiful and tell them why

touch lives with your presence

give hugs, give kisses, embrace

find fulfillment in little things
find fulfillment in God

search for God
never stop
never let go
don't let the world drown you
keep swimming

cry, laugh, smile, yell

as long as you're real
as long as you're alive
don't let them take hold of you
don't let them destroy you

sometimes look up
sometimes close your eyes
but never look back

don't let hard times bring you down
let them make you stronger

don't let your mistakes define you
but let your imperfections make you different
don't be afraid of being different
be weird sometimes
be crazy
as long as you're passionate
as long as you're all in
body, mind, soul..
eloped in God

don't let your looks define your beauty
let your heart
the way you live
you way you love

remember, life isn't easy
but that's what makes it worth living
that's what makes it worth fighting for

make sure your scars heal
and make sure you're prepared for new ones

you were put on this earth to make beauty
to let God be seen
don't lose your chance
don't let your purpose go to waste

be beautiful
be you
be thankful
be true
let God define who you are
and who you are meant to be.